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CB40 / Re: Official support for CB40
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 22, 2018, 03:43:02 PM »
22/10/2018  Mod 2 - additional support for 10 bit uPD858 PLL. Found that you need 9 wires to the 858 PLL, with the 8 wires you lose channels 1 to 7, so added a 9th wire and firmware update coding for the extra wire.
CB40A v1 & CB40A v2 / Re: Official support for CB40A
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 20, 2018, 10:26:10 AM »
New firmware update

20/10/2018 -1:31 Bugfix: When changing scan level font would switch to small screen mode. Fixed.

20/10/2018 - 2:45 Bugfix: Removed default channel status from all menu settings except default channel.
CB40 / Re: Official support for CB40
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 20, 2018, 10:24:53 AM »
New firmware update

20/10/2018 -1:31 Bugfix: When changing scan level font would switch to small screen mode. Fixed.

20/10/2018 - 2:45 Bugfix: Removed default channel status from all menu settings except default channel.
CB40A v1 & CB40A v2 / Re: Installing the CB40A into 2 radios
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 15, 2018, 07:08:00 PM »
here are the casings for the CB40A

The4 Leds back lighting you have to supply.

CB40 / Re: Official support for CB40
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 13, 2018, 10:43:39 PM »
a new firmware update has been made

Bug for the home channel not saving when chosen.

6 digit frequency readout from 5 digit
NEWS AND UPDATES / New look forum Theme
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 10, 2018, 06:37:04 PM »
We have changed the look of the forum and the portal with a new them, that we made changes to the look of this new theme by changing the footer and header graphics and changed the forum icons and gave it a CB radio feel
CB40A v1 & CB40A v2 / Official support for CB40A
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 10, 2018, 03:59:19 PM »
Official support for CB40A

if the FAQ dont have the answers post in here and see if we can help you.
CB40 / Official support for CB40
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 10, 2018, 03:58:15 PM »
Official support for CB40

if the FAQ dont have the answers post in here and see if we can help you.
NEWS AND UPDATES / Official support web site for the CB40/A/C Project and FAQ
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 10, 2018, 03:52:44 PM »
Official support web site for the CB40/A/C Project and FAQ

This is a great project we are now the official support group for the CB40/A/C project.

Next month will be the official launch of this great CB Radio project, and soon after the CB40A.

Also being designed now is the CB40C, this is a upgrade for all 23 channel Crystal SSB radios so they will have 40 channels and a screen and all the same features as the CB40.
CB40 / Beta Testing of the CB40
« Last post by BuNtEr on October 07, 2018, 11:28:51 PM »
CB40 Beta Testing.

Getting down to the wire here, i have 10 CB40 kits in the post to me to install into 10 radios. so exciting its become, allot of work by the designer and time and shit loads of fuck fuck fuck, and recoding, and re doing coding and bug removal, its now down to Beta testing.

Now if all goes well next month is the release of the CB40 for sale.

i feel lucky to be able to test these kits.

there are ten kits packed and ready to be posted to me, should get them some time next week.

as i install them in different radios i will be posting photos and videos so you guys can see how its tracking, and i hope all goes well and a early release for next month.....

I have my work cut out and this will be fun.

The Ten radios being used, not in that order.

Ferris 5000      UPD858 PLL       SUCCESS (Done)
Ferris 5500      UPD858 PLL       SUCCESS (Done)
TRC 449          UPD858 PLL       SUCCESS (Done)
PC 122            UPD2824 PLL     SUCCESS (Done)
Thorn 1503      NDC 02A PLL     SUCCESS (Done)
Uniden Washington MB8719 PLL SUCCESS (Done)

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