Official support for CB40/A/C

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Welcome to the Official support page for the CB40/A/C Project.

Click the link below to enter the forum to have a read of the FAQ for each of the kits

Its is now a reality not a project anymore, the designer has been very successful with this project and now its real its grown way past what it was first designed for.

The designer had an idea to replace the 18 and 23 channel PLL radios with a cheap 40 channel solution, and make it easy to install.

He did that plus way way more, he added Scan, not just any scan, his scan works with the squelch open or closed, and while its scanning you can change the direction by moving the channel dial up or down.


  • Channel readout

  • Voltage in real time

  • Frequency readout

  • Scan (open and closed Squelch) and scans up or down.

Also on top of all of that its designed so you dont have to hack your bezel to fit all of this.

he found with all the coding he did for the project, that you can almost add this to any cb radio, he installed it into a 40 channel super cheetah SSB radio, and that was using a UPD2824 PLL, so now i now works on almost any cb he has add the PLL N codes to.

Now he also added all of this above to go into the older radios that didn't have a led readout, he designed a small casing that fits right were the old channel analog dial goes, and with this casing, it holds the encoder inside and the OLED screen, NO you hacking of the radio bezel this is affixed using strong double sided tape or mirror tape your choice, the wiring is passed through the hole that the old channel changer was in.

This was designed for both kits, at any time you wish to restore your radio back to stock you can and it will be as it was before the kit was installed.

There is a another kit in the wind, its already being designed its the called the CB40C the C stands for Crystal, yep have all the same features as the other two kits the CB40 and CB40A, keep an eye out for this in the forum.